Health – Doctors and Dentists

There are no Doctors or Dental surgeries in the village but the following surgeries can be found in Bicester.

Bicester Health Centre, Coker Close (01869 249333 / 322942)
Montgomery House Surgery, Piggy Lane (01869 249222 / 321888)
Alchester Medical Group (01869 248585) is at two locations:
Langford Medical Practice, Nightingale Place, Langford and
Victoria House Surgery, 119 Buckingham Road

Bicester also has a Community Hospital which is open for minor injuries (main reception 01865 903880).

Both the John Radcliffe in Oxford and the Horton in Banbury have full accident and emergency departments.

Bicester NHS Dental Clinic, Bicester Health Centre, Coker Close (01869 249066)
Bicester Dental Care, 98 Sheep Street (01869 252788)
Greytown Dental Practice, 2nd Floor Greytown House, 43 – 47 Sheep Street, Bicester, OX26 6JJ (01869 241122)
Market Square Dental Practice, 16 Market Square (01869 253261)
Pomeroy & Rust Dental Partnership, 28 Sheep Street (01869 252228)
Causeway Dental Practice, 23 Causeway (01869 252394)

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